「Ansi Common Lisp」11章読了
CLOS(Common Lisp オブジェクトシステム)に関する章。
* (defclass circle () (radius center)) #<STANDARD-CLASS CIRCLE {58020A2D}> * (setf c (make-instance 'circle)) Warning: Declaring C special. #<CIRCLE {5802FDAD}> * (setf (slot-value c 'radius) 1) 1 * (slot-value c 'radius) 1 *
* (defclass circle () ((radius :accessor circle-radius) (center :accessor circle-center))) #<STANDARD-CLASS CIRCLE {58020A2D}> * (setf c (make-instance 'circle)) #<CIRCLE {5805B4DD}> * (setf (circle-radius c) 1) 1 * (circle-radius c) 1 *
* (defclass circle () ((radius :reader circle-radius :initform 1) (center :writer circle-center ))) #<STANDARD-CLASS CIRCLE {58020A2D}> * (setf c (make-instance 'circle)) #<CIRCLE {58082A8D}> * (circle-radius c) 1 * (setf (circle-radius c) 2) No matching method for the generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION (SETF CIRCLE-RADIUS) (0) {58057611}>, when called with arguments (2 #<CIRCLE {58082A8D}>). [Condition of type PCL::NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Retry call to :FUNCTION. 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) ("DEFMETHOD NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD (T)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION (SETF CIRCLE-RADIUS) (0) {58057611}> (2 #<CIRCLE {58082A8D}>)) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/braid.lisp. 0] Q * (setf (slot-value c 'radius) 2) 2 * (circle-radius c) 2
* (circle-center c) Error in function PCL::CACHE-MISS-VALUES: The function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CIRCLE-CENTER (1) {58058B31}> requires at least 2 arguments. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) (PCL::CACHE-MISS-VALUES #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION CIRCLE-CENTER (1) {58058B31}> (#<CIRCLE {58082A8D}>) PCL::ACCESSOR) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/dfun.lisp. 0] Q * (setf (circle-center c) '(1 1)) No matching method for the generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION (SETF CIRCLE-CENTER) (0) {58059FB1}>, when called with arguments ((1 1) #<CIRCLE {58082A8D}>). [Condition of type PCL::NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Retry call to :FUNCTION. 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) ("DEFMETHOD NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD (T)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION (SETF CIRCLE-CENTER) (0) {58059FB1}> ((1 1) #<CIRCLE {58082A8D}>)) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/braid.lisp. 0] Q * (setf (circle-center c) 2) No matching method for the generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION (SETF CIRCLE-CENTER) (0) {58059FB1}>, when called with arguments (2 #<CIRCLE {58082A8D}>). [Condition of type PCL::NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Retry call to :FUNCTION. 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) ("DEFMETHOD NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD (T)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION (SETF CIRCLE-CENTER) (0) {58059FB1}> (2 #<CIRCLE {58082A8D}>)) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/braid.lisp. 0]
No matching method for the generic functionとか出て動かないんですが。。
* (defclass circle () ((radius :initarg :radius :initform 1) (center :initarg :center :initform (cons 0 0)))) ; #<STANDARD-CLASS CIRCLE {58020A2D}> * (make-instance 'circle) #<CIRCLE {580ED1B5}> * (setf c (make-instance 'circle)) #<CIRCLE {580ED88D}> * (format t "~A~A~%" (slot-value c 'radius) (slot-value c 'center)) 1(0 . 0) NIL * (setf c (make-instance 'circle :radius 2)) #<CIRCLE {580F47BD}> * (format t "~A~A~%" (slot-value c 'radius) (slot-value c 'center)) 2(0 . 0) NIL * (setf c (make-instance 'circle :radius 3 :center '(4 . 5))) #<CIRCLE {580F5E05}> * (format t "~A~A~%" (slot-value c 'radius) (slot-value c 'center)) 3(4 . 5) NIL *
:allocation :classを指定すると、クラス変数になるらしい。
* (defclass blog () ((title :allocation :class))) #<STANDARD-CLASS BLOG {580FF0F5}> * (setf b1 (make-instance 'blog)) Warning: Declaring B1 special. #<BLOG {5810EEAD}> * (setf b2 (make-instance 'blog)) Warning: Declaring B2 special. #<BLOG {58111135}> * (setf (slot-value b1 'title) 'BlogTitle) BLOGTITLE * (slot-value b1 'title) BLOGTITLE * (slot-value b2 'title) BLOGTITLE *
* (defclass super () (a)) #<STANDARD-CLASS SUPER {58120755}> * (defclass sub (super) (b)) #<STANDARD-CLASS SUB {581313BD}> * (setf s (make-instance 'sub)) Warning: Declaring S special. #<SUB {5813CB8D}> * (setf (slot-value s 'a) 'inherited) INHERITED *
* (defclass parent () (a)) #<STANDARD-CLASS PARENT {58145455}> * (defclass child1 (parent) ((b :initform 1))) #<STANDARD-CLASS CHILD1 {58151D5D}> * (defclass child2 (parent) ((b :initform 2))) #<STANDARD-CLASS CHILD2 {5816093D}> * (defclass grandchild (child1 child2) (c)) #<STANDARD-CLASS GRANDCHILD {5816F20D}> * (setf gc (make-instance 'grandchild)) Warning: Declaring GC special. #<GRANDCHILD {581AF48D}> * (slot-value gc 'b) 1 *
* (defclass grandchild (child2 child1) (c)) #<STANDARD-CLASS GRANDCHILD {5816F20D}> * (setf gc (make-instance 'grandchild)) #<GRANDCHILD {581CEDB5}> * (slot-value gc 'b) 2 *
* (defclass rectangle () (width height)) #<STANDARD-CLASS RECTANGLE {58020A35}> * (defclass circle () (radius)) #<STANDARD-CLASS CIRCLE {58036DC5}> * (defmethod area ((r rectangle)) (* (slot-value r 'width) (slot-value r 'height))) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. R): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD AREA (RECTANGLE) {580DE0F5}> * (defmethod area ((c circle)) (* (slot-value c 'radius) (slot-value c 'radius) 3.14)) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD AREA (CIRCLE) {5815FFCD}> * (setf r (make-instance 'rectangle)) Warning: Declaring R special. #<RECTANGLE {58161485}> * (setf (slot-value r 'width) 4) 4 * (setf (slot-value r 'height) 5) 5 * (area r) 20 * (setf c (make-instance 'circle)) Warning: Declaring C special. #<CIRCLE {58163BCD}> * (setf (slot-value c 'radius) 3) 3 * (area c) 28.26 *
public class test { static class Rectangle { public int width; public int height; } static class Circle { public int radius; } public static double area(Rectangle r) { return r.width * r.height; } public static double area(Circle c) { return c.radius * c.radius * Math.PI; } public static void main(String[] args) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.width = 4; r.height = 5; System.out.println(area(r)); Circle c = new Circle(); c.radius = 3; System.out.println(area(c)); } }
public class test2 { interface Shape { public double area(); } static class Rectangle implements Shape { public int width; public int height; public double area() { return width * height; } } static class Circle { public int radius; public double area() { return radius * radius * Math.PI; } } public static void main(String[] args) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.width = 4; r.height = 5; System.out.println(r.area()); Circle c = new Circle(); c.radius = 3; System.out.println(c.area()); } }
* (defmethod hoge :before () (format t "before")) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL.): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD HOGE :BEFORE () {58083B7D}> * (defmethod hoge :after () (format t "after")) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL.): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD HOGE :AFTER () {580E010D}> * (defmethod hoge () (format t "Hello, World!")) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL.): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD HOGE () {5813C0C5}> * (hoge) beforeHello, World!after NIL *
hoge :before → hoge本体 → hoge :afterの順に実行されているのが分かります。
* (defmethod hoge :around () (format t "before") (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method)) (format t "after")) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL.): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD HOGE :AROUND () {58259D7D}> * (hoge) beforebeforeHello, World!afterafter NIL *
:aroundがある場合は、hoge :aroundの(call-next-method)で、hoge :before → hoge本体 → hoge :afterが呼ばれてますね。
* (defmethod moge :around () (call-next-method)) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL.): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD MOGE :AROUND () {582DF14D}> * (moge) Generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION MOGE (1) {582DE761}>: No primary method given arguments NIL [Condition of type PCL:NO-PRIMARY-METHOD-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Try again. 1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) ("DEFMETHOD NO-PRIMARY-METHOD (STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION MOGE (1) {582DE761}> NIL) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/braid.lisp. 0] Q * (defmethod moge () (format t "moge called.")) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL.): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD MOGE () {58351F65}> * (moge) moge called. NIL *
* (defgeneric price (x) (:method-combination +)) #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION PRICE (0) {585809D1}> * (defclass jacket() ()) #<STANDARD-CLASS JACKET {58585F3D}> * (defclass trousers () ()) #<STANDARD-CLASS TROUSERS {5858D3DD}> * (defclass suit (jacket trousers) ()) #<STANDARD-CLASS SUIT {58594F9D}> * (defmethod price + ((jk jacket)) 350) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. JK): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD PRICE + (JACKET) {585FD7BD}> * (defmethod price + ((tr trousers)) 200) ; Compiling LAMBDA (PCL::.PV-CELL. PCL::.NEXT-METHOD-CALL. TR): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: #<STANDARD-METHOD PRICE + (TROUSERS) {58661CAD}> * (price (make-instance 'suit)) 550 *
* (defclass class1 () ((a :initform 1))) #<STANDARD-CLASS CLASS1 {586A7C0D}> * (setf c (make-instance 'class1)) Warning: Declaring C special. #<CLASS1 {586BC845}> * (slot-value c 'a) 1 * (unintern 'a) T * (slot-value c 'a) Error in function "DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)": When attempting to read the slot's value (slot-value), the slot A is missing from the object #<CLASS1 {586BC845}>. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Return to Top-Level. Debug (type H for help) ("DEFMETHOD SLOT-MISSING (T T T T)" #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<unused-arg> #<CLASS1 {586BC845}> ...) Source: Error finding source: Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer exists: target:pcl/slots.lisp. 0]