Sass Tutorial - 0: Ruby and Sass導入 on Windows
Sencha Touchで使われていて、今後出てくるExt JS4でも採用されるとのこと。
原文 Sass - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
Sass is a meta-language on top of CSS that's used to describe the style of a document cleanly and structurally, with more power than flat CSS allows. Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.
ActiveScriptRuby and Other packages
Ruby-1.9.1-p429 Microsoft Installter Package(2010/07/021 version 28523) 16,896,512バイト
>ruby -v ruby 1.9.1p429 (2010-07-02 revision 28523) [i386-mswin32]
>gem install haml Successfully installed haml-3.0.24 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for haml-3.0.24... Updating class cache with 1392 classes... Installing RDoc documentation for haml-3.0.24...
/* style.scss */ #navbar { width: 80%; height: 23px; }
ActiveScriptRuby and Other packages
ActiveScriptRuby(1.8.7-p302 --with-winsock2 --enable-tcltk-stub) Microsoft Installer Package ( 14,775,808バイト
>ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mswin32]
>gem install haml Successfully installed haml-3.0.24 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for haml-3.0.24... Installing RDoc documentation for haml-3.0.24...
>sass --watch style.scss:style.css >>> Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop. create style.css ^C
>dir /b .sass-cache sass.txt style.css style.scss
>sass --help Usage: sass [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT] Description: Uses the Sass engine to parse the specified template and outputs the result to the specified file. Options: --rails RAILS_DIR Install Haml and Sass from the Gem to a Rai ls project -c, --check Just check syntax, don't evaluate. -s, --stdin Read input from standard input instead of a n input file --trace Show a full traceback on error --unix-newlines Use Unix-style newlines in written files. --scss Use the CSS-superset SCSS syntax. --watch Watch files or directories for changes. The location of the generated CSS can be se t using a colon: sass --watch input.sass:output.css sass --watch input-dir:output-dir --update Compile files or directories to CSS. Locations are set like --watch. --stop-on-error If a file fails to compile, exit immediatel y. Only meaningful for --watch and --update. -t, --style NAME Output style. Can be nested (default), comp act, compressed, or expanded. -q, --quiet Silence warnings and status messages during compilation. -g, --debug-info Emit extra information in the generated CSS that can be used by the FireSass Firebug plugin. -l, --line-numbers Emit comments in the generated CSS indicati ng the corresponding sass line. --line-comments -i, --interactive Run an interactive SassScript shell. -I, --load-path PATH Add a sass import path. -r, --require LIB Require a Ruby library before running Sass. --cache-location PATH The path to put cached Sass files. Defaults to .sass-cache. -C, --no-cache Don't cache to sassc files. -?, -h, --help Show this message -v, --version Print version
sass --watch style.scss:style.cssじゃなくて、
sass style.scss style.css
Sassの記事一覧 | Sass Tutorial - 1: Nesting >